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Seminars / Courses

Ei/PSI Seminar (revived! again!)

Seminars are announced by email and on the Ei/PSI Twitter feed
For the time being all seminars take place online
Organizers: Michele Campobasso and Mohammad Mahzoun,
More information: Heloise Vieira.

Click here for the agenda.

Cryptography Working Group

We have resumed running the CWG, starting March 2023

The CWG meetings take place on Fridays from 10:45-15:45
Organizers: Andreas Hülsing, Tanja Lange
Location: Utrecht (De Kargadoor, Oudegracht 36).
More information: If you are interested in presenting a talk at one of the upcoming crypto workgroups or you would like to receive all future announcements of the CWG, you can contact Heloise Vieira.

Click here for the agenda.

TU/e-Philips Colloquium

This seminar has been discontinued; the following is kept for archiving purposes
The seminar will take place every two months from 16.00-17.00 h.
Location: alternately at the TU/e-campus (MetaForum building) and at the Philips High Tech Campus (HTC 34, Auditorium HTC34-parterre).
More information: Jolande Matthijsse, +31 (0)40 2472853.

Click here for the agenda.